Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The adventure begins...

So, last night my dear darling boy ordered my Christmas present early. Yes, I'm aware it's not even halfway through September, but I've never really been one for antici......


But now I have to anticipate, because it's going to take 3-10 days for my lovely new Kromski Symphony to get here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (More exclamation points illustrate more excitement, right?)

I had pretty much already decided on the Symphony when I first started thinking about spinning, but I did my research and even drove the near-hour to the Yarn Barn in Lawrence (and stopped and got some gyuudon at Don Don, too! Delish!) to test one out before I made any kind of commitment. The Yarn Barn couldn't offer me anything over-and-above the standard package and didn't have one in stock, so I didn't order from them. Instead, I ordered from Village Spin & Weave, who offer fabulous extras. I of course got the extra bobbin + Niddy Noddy + 8 oz of fiber package.

I've got a good deal of my Corriedale top left over from my spindle spinning (which I will still do, but only on the go, I think), and I also picked up some Mountain Colors BFL while I was at Yarn Barn. I'm hoping to also start dying top myself, and maybe eventually save up for a drum carder and "paint" myself some batts, but for now I'm good. I mean, I still have most of two Ugly Batts stored away, mostly because they have a large amount of VM in them and I couldn't deal with the predrafting and the VM with a spindle...Might pull them out again and try long draw once I get the hang of my new baby!

I'm going to be good about this whole blogging thing. I've failed many times in the past at writing journals, be they online or on paper, but I've decided to approach this as less of a journal and more journalism.

With that in mind, please bear with me while I hammer out what the template of the blog is going to look like, and as I get settled into some kind of posting rhythm!

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