Thursday, March 29, 2012

I have readers!

I...have readers...I have readers!

I mean, I know I have readers, of course, since I have pageviews, but I didn't know until this past Sunday that I actually had readers, you know? But I met one! In person! One of the guy at the knitting group that I (finally) made it to said "I read your blog." Cue the emphatic waving to him in this post, since I am utterly and completely stoked, now!

Sadly, I have little to report this week. I've been sewing away on Easter stoles as surprises for the four pastors for our church, leaving little time for knitting...I've also completely neglected spinning, and my poor wheel is stain mournfully at me. I promise that as soon as I'm done with my Easter dress (or after Easter, whichever comes first), I will get back on the horse!

I do have an actual finished project to show for my efforts at Knitting group on Sunday, though!

These are Harvest Dew, by Rose Hiver, knit up in Knit Picks Stroll Hand Painted in Make Believe. I did a fairly short cuff and opted for an afterthought heel, 'cause I'm all about trying new things, and I thought shorter socks would be nicer with the heat. Spring? What spring? We had Fall all Winter and then jumped straight into Summer. Ugh.

With said heat, I think I'm going to be doing a lot more socks and lace. Speaking of lace, The Studio is having a lace challenge this quarter that I'm totally stoked for. I already snagged my needles because I've fallen in love with the Knitter's Pride Dreamz and I was scared that there wouldn't be any more left when the challenge started, so...yeah.

Anyway, the details are that you have a quarter (3 months) to knit up a project (lace, for this quarter) and anything for that project is discounted for the first couple of weeks of the quarter. If you finish in the allotted time, they will double your reward points from your materials purchase. Tres cool, if you ask me!

I'm planning on knitting the Rose Leaf Trellis Shawl, so I have an excuse to buy new yarn for it, hehe.

1 comment:

  1. *Emphatically waving back!* It was great meeting you. Sometime I'm going to take you up on your offer for spinning and/or sewing lessons!
