Wednesday, March 21, 2012


So, remember that Moulin Rouge colorway of Polworth I was spinning?

I finished the first single!

Ain't it purty? There's some yellows and stuff hidden under there, too. I'll be starting on the second single soon, because my foray into corespun was a fantastic failure due to a not-very-good choice on my part for the core. It got too twisty and hard to deal with, so I scrapped it. I also don't think I like the look of a corespun yarn, so...I'll ruminate on the idea some more before I try it again.

In other fiber-y news, I just ordered some more Polworth from Unwind Yarn Company, in a fabulous pink colorway that celebrates Dana's upcoming nuptials. It's called Chapel of Love, and I'm hoping to get the holy grail of a 3-ply fingering from it...that or I might try for another 2-ply laceweight for a shawl...

Mmm, luverly! I reallly need a better camera, though...

Anyway, that's not all that's been happening around here. I've been knitting lots, but I keep forgetting to take pictures of those updates will wait.

However, I DO have pictures of the sewing I've been doing lately. We were in the fabric shop and I found a lovely cotton/linen blend that both I and my little girl loved, so we got it so I could make matching Easter dresses. Hers is complete:

Little model in training, let me tell you. She got upset that I had started mine first, and beggggggged me to make hers. She's super happy with it, and cannot wait for Easter to come so that she can wear it, heh.

Mine, well...There was a problem with the pattern. There was WAY too much ease built into it, and it was completely unflattering. Princess seams are NOT supposed to be unflattering, Simplicity!  So, after copious amounts of taking-in, I came out with this:
Which I feel so much better about walking out of the house in. Well, I will, once it's finished. I still need to line it. The pattern calls for a partial lining, but I'm going to do a full lining, and I think I'm going to have a little lace edge on the lining, peeking out from under the skirt. It'll be cute...I hope.

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